There are many ways to prepare for a natural disaster or event, and although is mainly specific to Mesothelioma, the preparation they outline applies to any type of Cancer. The page, Why Cancer Patients Need a Natural Disaster Plan, explains the why and how to make a plan.
National Cancer Institute
The National Cancer Institute also has Emergency Resources for the Cancer Community, which may be similar to It is also wise to check out the resources at for all types of disaster events.
After making your plan, don't forget to Build Your Go Kit.
Lani Huli Senior Home on Thurs, October 12, 2023
Kailua Alert & Prepared's Outreach Committee did a Disaster Preparedness Presentation to some residents of Lani Huli in the heart of Kailua Town. Clem Jung did the presentation, and did a fantastic job!
Contact us at (or use the Contact page) if you would like a two hour Disaster Preparedness presentation! It's NEVER too late to get prepared for any emergency.